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Corporate Responsibility

Our Corporate Responsibilities & Commitments

We are proud of our commitment to sourcing products and services in an ethically responsible manner. We consider the welfare of workers, health and safety and potential environmental impacts.
Our Ethical Sourcing Policy is primarily based on conducting business with suppliers that conduct their business ethically, manufacturing responsibly and demonstrate environmental consciousness. We choose our suppliers carefully with factories who must adhere to international manufacturing standards, these may include:

• Suppliers must comply with all applicable anti-slavery and modern slavery laws and     must not engage in modern slavery practices, including using forced, bonded, involuntary labour or people subject to human trafficking.

• Suppliers must comply with all modern slavery reporting requirements stipulated in applicable modern slavery laws.

• Suppliers must not have been convicted of practices that amount to modern slavery or be publicly named by any organisation alleging the Supplier has engaged in modern slavery practices.

• Suppliers must ensure that employment is freely chosen, that workers can leave    their employment after reasonable notice, that freedom of movement is respected and that workers are not required to lodge deposits or identity papers with the Supplier.

• Suppliers must not source any materials (including raw materials) originating from conflict countries.

• In connection with the relevant supply arrangements, suppliers must ensure (so far as is reasonably practicable) that its officers, workers, employees, agents, sub-contractors, and any other persons who perform services for or on behalf of it comply with this Policy.